LC Vault Hunters Server Player’s Guide

Connecting to LC Vault Hunters with CurseForge

LC Vault Hunters includes a good amount of mods that might mean your PC cannot run it. We’re unable to provide support for those PCs that are unable to run LC VH. We’ve optimised the server as best we can, the rest is unfortunately out of our control.

It also requires a certain installation process, through CurseForge.

  • Download and install CurseForge (if you don’t have it already)
  • Search for Vault Hunters in the top Search bar of CurseForge. You’ll need Vault Hunters 3rd Edition for 1.18.2.
  • We’re currently running the latest version – 3.11.1. You can find the other versions by clicking on the listing (not Install!). Then select Versions. Select the required version and click the Install arrow on the right hand side of the version.
  • Once installed, click Play. It will open the Minecraft Launcher with a new installation. Click Play again as normal.
  • If you are whitelisted (ie you have logged enough hours in LC, and have completed the LC Vault Hunters T&Cs form (.pdf OR .doc), you can connect.

The LC Vault Hunters address is:

You may want to allocate more RAM to Minecraft, depending on how it runs. You can do that with these instructions.

Using LC Vault Hunters on a Mac

If you’re setting up LC VH on a Mac, you won’t be able to use CurseForge, as Simple Voice Chat won’t work. You will need to install Prism Launcher instead. You can find install information and how to use modpacks here.


On to some tips! A few are replicated here, but you can find a lot more detail on the LibraryCraft Discord. Enter /discord in the main LibraryCraft server to get access. There’s also loads of guides and quests to follow in game! Just hit ] in game to bring up the quests screen.

The Quest book will also give you rewards for completing them, often being critical in either the next step, or running vault themselves – a free shulker box for a Vault is super important for all the loot you’re able to get in just one vault! They’re worth working through.

Installing Simple Voice Chat

This is optional, but if you want to install Simple Voice Chat (Proximity Chat like in LC Create):

  1. Once the modpack is installed and ready, single click on the modpack itself to open it in CurseForge.
  2. Click the 3 vertical dots at the top of the screen, to the left of the Play button.
  3. Select Profile Options
  4. Make sure Allow content management for this profile is CHECKED.
  5. Click Done.
  6. Click the 3 vertical dots again and select Add More Content.
  7. Search for Simple Voice Chat.
  8. Scroll down until you find it (microphone icon) and click Install. It will install the correct version automatically.
  9. Once installed, click on the grass block to the far left and hit play on the Vault Hunters 3rd Edition modpack to play!

Collecting Items for Vault Crystals

The Vault Altar collects random vanilla items to create your vault crystal, which lets you open vaults to run. At the start, these items will be low, and relatively easy to come across, but as you climb in the vault levels, these will increase as well, eventually getting in to the hundreds, and more.

The biggest thing early game is to collect whatever you find. The ideal start is hoarding, as you’ll be able to craft vault crystals a lot quicker if you aren’t traipsing all over the world trying to find that elusive ingredient.

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Skills & Expertise

As you level up in Vault levels, you get skill points – one per level. Expertise points are one every five levels. Skill points can be used for abilities and talents. While all are good, you’ll want to begin with Abilities. Inclusions like Vein Miner, Dash, Heal, Double Jump and a lot more will be hugely beneficial to your vault runs.

All the abilities you choose can be bound to a specific key, for easy access. These all use mana (the blue bar in the bottom left corner of your screen). Ideal early abilities differ from player to player, but the ones I’ve found to be the best to focus on early game are:

  • Heal: heals you for an amount of hit points. It starts at around 2 (a full heart) and increases as you level it up
  • Javelin: a renewable magic projectile that has 80% of your total damage, plus a level of knockback. Brilliant as an early ranged weapon.
  • Vein Miner: works on all blocks and really useful to clear out rooms or ores quickly. Level up to increase the amount of blocks mined at once.
  • Dash: Great for jumping up tall ledges or running away from enemies. Also useful as free rockets if you score an early elytra from a bounty.
  • Farmer: I bind this to my Shift key, so it works like crouch bonemealing, for fast farm growth. Not all plants can be done at once, but there are specialities that can increase the range of plants for a Mana cost.


Vault Gear

The Vaults contain not just the standard armour, but special vault gear that you can not only find, but create yourself. Regular vanilla armour has been lowered, so there’s not a lot of benefit to them. As soon as you get your first vault gear, it’s time to upgrade, but watch those statistics! Plus there’s new swords, shields and axes, all with big buffs.

There’s 3 tiers of gear, plus five rarities – Scrappy, Common, Rare, Epic and Omega. The higher you get of both, the better the gear. If you’re lucky, you can also add new options to them, if they have empty prefixes or suffixes. All new Vault Gear is unidentified, and needs to be identified by right clicking it.

It can also be enchanted with most vanilla enchants, but not the Mending enchant. There’s ways to repair items, but they won’t last forever, plus you’ll be finding better gear as you level up. The biggest thing is that vault gear doesn’t take damage in the overworld, only in vaults.

In terms of armour, there’s a huge amount of amazing models you can find, including the elusive end game god armour sets – named after the four gods of the vaults – Idona the Malevolence (the monster god), Tenos the Omniscient (the experience god), Velara the Benevolent (the health god) and Wendaar the timekeeper (the time god). With those models, the wings also move by themselves (although they aren’t elytra). To get these, you’ll need to level up your god affinity to 100 on thegod you want.



One of the furniture mods includes mailboxes and post boxes. These are perfect for giving items or gifts to people!

The mailboxes come in all the wooden varieties (including stripped varieties), and would be at your base. They’re also very cheap to make. They can be renamed, perfect for if you have multiple bases and want one at each location.

The blue postboxes cost a blue shulker box (you’ll get plenty of shulker boxes in the vaults) and 8 iron. These are used to actually send items to people. Right click the postbox, add the item, select the mailbox you want to send it to and click send. It’ll then be sent to that mailbox!

A postbox will be available at spawn, and if you have one at or near to your base, you’ll be able to send to anyone. As soon as a new mailbox is added to the world, the postbox should include it automatically.


Crafting Elytra

Yep, you read that correctly. In Vault Hunters you can craft elytra. It’s also rather cheap! Aside from the phantom membranes and the string, which are pretty simple to get, the other two items – vault essence and magic silk – will be found in your first one or two vaults.

While you can opt to bring your elytra into the vaults, it’s a much better option to wear a vault chestplate – you’ll get a lot more buffs from them than just having the ability to fly.

Combine your elytra with the Dash ability and you won’t need rockets to get around. A simple dash will get you going!


Animal Pens

Farms are an important part of Vault Hunters – eventually the Vault Altar will be asking for large amounts of regular items such as wool, meats and leather. Instead of using the lag inducing farms for passive mobs like cows, sheep and pigs, you can use a single block no-lag farm called an Animal Pen. They’re cheap to craft and super easy to use. You can also breed in bulk!

After crafting the Animal Pen, you’ll also need some Animal Jars. The jars are used to capture the animals in the world – one type for each bottle. Babies can’t be put in jars. Something to remember is the first animal you collect in a jar will be the one visible in the farm. Once you’ve collected a few (or a lot), place the animal pen down and right click with the jar. The jar will stay in the pen until you break the pen. You can also add more of the same mob with a different jar – do that and you’ll get the second jar back.

Shift to see the information hovering above, and right click with a stack of the right breeding ingredient to breed them to adults in one hit! To get the loot, swing with a sword and you’ll kill them one at a time.



You are able to protect your builds with claims. Every player starts with 1,000 claims blocks. Every 10 minutes of play will earn you one more block. To create a claim, use a golden shovel and right click where you want the corner of your plot to be. Right click the opposite corner and your claim will be set. To check other claim locations and boundaries, right click with a wooden hoe(note: not a stick!)

You are able to give other players different levels of access to your claims. This and many other customisation options are available by using /flan menu. Select Edit Global Permissions (the beacon) while standing in a claim. This will open up a new GUI with heaps of options for that claim!


Simple Voice Chat

Otherwise known as Proximity Chat, SVC allows players to speak in game provided they are close enough. The maximum distance is 48 blocks.

To make sure SVC is set up correctly for you, select V to open the SVC menu and select Settings. The following menu will appear.

Choose your microphone and speaker, and set Activation type to Voice instead of Push to Talk.

If you want to have a voice chat with someone regardless of how far away they are (or what world they are in), you can create a Group.

Important: When using voice chat, please ensure you are wearing headphones. Background noise can activate your microphone, and the other players will also hear themselves through your speakers.