What is LC Vault Hunters?

LC Vault Hunters (LCVH) is a Modded Forge 1.18.2 server run by the LibraryCraft team, just for 13 to 17 year olds in Western Australia. The Vault Hunters modpack is created by Iskall85 and his team, and is a large RPG modpack that allows players to level up, battle vaults with incredible gear, unlock unique skills and gain knowledge points to unlock mods to use in the map.

In addition to a huge range of decorative mods unlocked by default, the locked mods include Colossal Chests, Drawers, Simple Storage Network, Refined Storage, Backpacks & Pouches, Powah, Botania, Create, Mekanism, Thermal Expansion, Waystones, Elevators, Easy Villagers, Cagerium and a lot more.

Entry Requirements

  • You must be 13 – 17 years old, living in WA.
  • You need to have logged a minimum of 12 hours of play on the main LibraryCraft server network. You will be whitelisted on that server first – there’s plenty to get stuck into!
  • A Server Terms of Use form must be signed by both the player and their parent, to be whitelisted on LCVH. This is not necessary for regular LibraryCraft.

Additional Rules

In addition to the main LibraryCraft rules, the following specific rules also apply:

  • No more than two vaults to be run at the same time. Check the tab list to see how many people are in them before starting one yourself!
  • No entering a vault that isn’t your own, unless you have asked first. If they say yes, then set up a party vault with the /party command.
  • Password protected voice chat groups will not be permitted.
  • As a courtesy to others, please ask in chat before joining voice chat groups. The only exception to this rule is for mods and staff.
  • TNT columns or blocks not to be used. Use TNT sparingly.

Modified Sanction System

What is a sanction system? It’s the consequences for breaking the rules. In the main server network it’s a warning, jail time and then a ban if it escalates. For LC Vault Hunters, it is different.

Failure to follow the server rules (including the additional rules) will result in:

  • 1st offense: Written warning (in game/Discord)
  • 2nd offense: Permanent ban on LCVH

If the issue is deemed serious enough, it will also result in jail time or a ban in the main LibraryCraft server network as well. A first offense may receive a greater loss of privileges in some cases.

Note: players that have received bans in LibraryCraft will not be permitted to play on LC Vault Hunters.

Important differences between LibraryCraft & LC Vault Hunters

  • There is no option to roll back inventories. If you lose something, we won’t be able to get it back! Be careful.
  • Graves will spawn on death, however if you die in the void, you will lose everything, so be careful.
  • TNT will be on, but use it sparingly.
  • Claims should be used as they will protect your items and builds.
  • A separate Player’s Guide is available to help players get started. Make sure you familiarise yourself with it!
  • The worldborder has been set to 10k x 10k. Plenty of room to explore!

Please note that not every PC will be able to run the modpack. We’ve optimised it as best we can, and have had some success with low end PCs already, but each setup is different, and we can only provide limited support for set up.

If you have any questions about anything LC Vault Hunters related, you can reach out to us in Discord, or via an email to whitelist@librarycraft.net.