120Survival like you’ve never seen it before!

In the last few weeks, one of the most game changing mods for Minecraft – Distant Horizons – got a major update and it’s incredible. Distant Horizons uses levels of detail for terrain distance. You can have your render distance set at a very small amount, and then use Distant Horizons to pre-render the rest. It just renders them in a progressively lower amount of detail the further away it gets.

I’ve used this mod before and it was great, but didn’t have shader compatibility. It’s not perfect, but now it’s able to be used with some limited shaders, as long as you use a bunch of other mods with it. I’ve spent a few nights tweaking and changing settings (it’s not perfect and you need a pretty beefy PC to do it well), but I’ve finally got it sorted and it is nothing short of amazing. Check out a few screenshots below! If players want their base and surrounds captured like this, send me a mail in game, or a ticket in Discord.

Click the images to get a full screen look!