A Special Evaluation Survey for 2024

Near the end of each financial year we conduct an evaluation survey, to give you a big chance to let us know what you think about LibraryCraft. In order for us to make this server the best it can be, and to get some information for the 2023/24 Annual Report, we ask for your input, in addition to getting loads of feedback during the year.

This year, we’re doing something special and very important. As many of you may know, LibraryCraft turns 5 this year! We’ve had the absolute pleasure of seeing a lot of our players stick with us for many years, and we’ve also seen lots of changes in our players for the better. This year, the evaluation survey will be also looking into the social impact of the server – how have our players benefitted from being a part of the community?

LibraryCraft is promoted by libraries all across WA, so this survey will provide feedback to our partner councils on the program, plus allow us to promote the server in a different way, in order to grow. We’ll be gathering information from the surveys, plus Discord as well. All information will be kept anonymous in the final report.

There are two separate surveys in 2024:
– Player’s Survey: https://culturecounts.cc/s/5g5nqb
– Parent’s Survey: https://culturecounts.cc/s/4RrS8A

It’s important that we also get thoughts from the parents, as they’re a crucial part of getting onto the server to start with.

We’re also offering an incentive to give us your thoughts in the Players Survey!

Two player entries will be randomly selected to receive a $50 JB HiFi voucher each! Entries are able to be received from now until 29 April 2024.

The information we receive is incredibly valuable to us as it can help us improve the server and the programs that happen in and around it, as well as seeing how important it is in the community. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!