We’re bringing back an old map!

We’ve already had some great discussions around the feedback we got from the recent survey, and one of the discussions around how to bring previous players back was particularly timely! LibraryCraft celebrates its 5th birthday this year and thanks to a great idea from a couple of our players, we’re going to be helping celebrate it by temporarily bringing back one of our first LibraryCraft maps, OldSurvival!

OldSurvival was the 1.15.2 Survival map during the first ever Creative Competition in April 2020, the start of this website, the first Head Games competition, the Survival Build Competition, the first wave of COVID, Bedrock compatibility and a lot more.

During the July school holidays, we’ll be backing up and removing 119Survival and replacing it with OldSurvival. OldSurvival won’t have any player claims on it, but it won’t be a free-for-all either. The existing builds will be claimed by the mods. If you had a base in the world, you’ll be able to get it back – just let the mods know which one it was and we’ll transfer the claim over.

We’ll also be widening the old 5k x 5k worldborder to get some new items generating – this world didn’t have the new Nether, Netherite, lush caves, Wardens, axolotls, goats and a lot more. While the overworld items will appear after a bit of exploring, we won’t be turning on the Nether or the End, as this is only a temporary world. 120Survival will remain the primary Survival world, so OldSurvival won’t have /rtp either. We’ll have an admin shop for you to purchase blocks and items you won’t be able to get though.

We’re still figuring out a few things here and there, so if you want to be a part of the discussion, get into the Discord and get chatting, or send us a mail in game. More news will be coming over the next few weeks!